Showing posts with label W. Show all posts
Showing posts with label W. Show all posts

Why not?

Why not?

nande dame-nano? なんで だめなの?

When is it convenient for you?

itsu-ga ii? いつが いい?

What time?

itsu? いつ?
nanji? なんじ?

When will you do it?

itsu yaruno? いつ やるの?

What are you doing?

nani yatteruno? なに やってるの?

What's wrong?

Today's easy and useful Japanese short phrases!
Let's learn to speak real Japanese.

What's wrong?
*What's happning(happend)?

doushita-no? どうしたの?
nanka atta-no? なんか あったの?

What are you doing?

nani shiteru-no? なにしてるの?

What do you mean?
*What's that meaning?

dooyuu imi? どういう いみ?

*In Hiragana "douiu" but when you pronounce it become "dooyuu"

What's on your mind?

nani kangaeteru-no? なに かんがえてるの?

What's the difference?

naniga chigau-no? なにがちがうの?
dokoga chigau-no? どこがちがうの?


Today's easy and useful Japanese short phrases!
Let's learn to speak real Japanese.


nande? なんで?
doushite? どうして?


nani? なに?
e? え?

What's up?

*What's going on?
*What's new?
*What are you up to?

saikin dou? さいきん どう?
choushi-wa dou? ちょうしは どう?
nanka kawatta-koto atta? なんか かわったこと あった?

*Literally means"Has something special happend to you?"

What have you been doing?

nani yatteta-no? なに やってたの?

What have you been talking about?

nani hanashiteta-no? なに はなしてたの?